Presentation and accessibility Guidelines
Accessibility Guidelines:
AERA is committed to building a culture of inclusion of people with diverse abilities. The roles of presenter, chair, discussant, and organizer are integral to creating inclusive sessions. The Association encourages participants to follow some basic guidelines to enhance the accessibility of presentations and communication. Session organizers and chairs are asked to emphasize the importance of these guidelines to all participants in sessions (e.g., presenters, chairs, discussants) in advance of the Annual Meeting and, when necessary, in guiding the conduct of the session itself.
All presenters are encouraged to review Accessibility Information for Presentations (PDF) and Accessibility Presentation Tips (PDF).
- The presenter should prepare an outline of the major points of the paper.
- The paper should not be read verbatim from the text. Not only are such presentation usually dull, but because of time constraints the author may be cut off by the session chair before reaching the most significant aspects of the presentation.
- Presentations should represent on the average a 7-10 minute summary of the paper. Highlights may be given covering such points as the purpose of the study, description of the sample, methodology, problems, and major findings, conclusions, or recommendations. The amount of time devoted to each highlight will vary according to the author’s evaluation of the importance of each area to the paper.
- Inexperienced extemporaneous speakers are advised to prepare a reading text of approximately 5 to 7 typed pages.
Accessibility Guidelines:
AERA is committed to building a culture of inclusion of people with diverse abilities. The roles of presenter, chair, discussant, and organizer are integral to creating inclusive sessions. The Association encourages participants to follow some basic guidelines to enhance the accessibility of presentations and communication. Session organizers and chairs are asked to emphasize the importance of these guidelines to all participants in sessions (e.g., presenters, chairs, discussants) in advance of the Annual Meeting and, when necessary, in guiding the conduct of the session itself.
All presenters are encouraged to review Accessibility Information for Presentations (PDF) and Accessibility Presentation Tips (PDF).